刺芹(学名:Cicuta virosa),又称毒芹,是一种有毒的植物,虽然其本身对人体有害,但经过适当加工后,刺芹的某些部分在传统医学中确实被认为具有以下益处:

1. **药用价值**:
– **抗炎作用**:传统上,刺芹的根被认为具有抗炎作用,可以用于治疗关节炎和风湿病。
– **抗菌作用**:刺芹提取物可能具有一定的抗菌作用,可以用于治疗某些感染。

刺芹(学名:Cicuta virosa),又称毒芹,是一种有毒的植物,虽然其本身对人体有害,但经过适当加工后,刺芹的某些部分在传统医学中确实被认为具有以下益处:

2. **营养价值**:
– **维生素和矿物质**:刺芹中含有一定量的维生素A、维生素C和矿物质,如钾和钙,对人体有益。

3. **传统应用**:
– 在一些传统医学中,刺芹的某些部分被用来治疗消化不良、水肿和皮肤病。


– **严格控制**:只有在严格的专业指导下,才能使用刺芹。
– **正确处理**:刺芹在食用前必须经过严格的水煮或碱处理,以去除其毒性。
– **医疗监督**:使用刺芹作为药用时应始终在医生或合格医疗人员的监督下进行。

刺芹(学名:Cicuta virosa),又称毒芹,是一种有毒的植物,虽然其本身对人体有害,但经过适当加工后,刺芹的某些部分在传统医学中确实被认为具有以下益处:



1. **观赏价值**:
– 发财树株型优美,叶片翠绿,尤其是其肥厚的叶片和独特的树形,为家居环境增添了一抹亮丽的风景。
– 发财树开花时,花色艳丽,具有很高的观赏价值。

2. **风水寓意**:
– 发财树因其名字的寓意,被认为能够带来财运,有助于家庭或企业的事业发展。
– 在风水学中,发财树被认为能够聚集财富,化解煞气,是家居和办公场所的吉祥植物。

3. **净化空气**:
– 发财树具有很好的空气净化作用,能有效吸收室内空气中的有害气体,如甲醛、氨气、氟化氢等,同时释放出负离子,改善室内空气质量。
– 在光线较弱或二氧化碳浓度较高的情况下,发财树仍能高效进行光合作用,清除空气中的污染物。

4. **调节室内环境**:


– 发财树的蒸腾作用可以调节室内温度和湿度,使室内环境更加舒适。
– 通过吸收香烟产生的有害气体,发财树还能为吸烟家庭创造更健康的室内环境。

5. **促进心理健康**:
– 观赏发财树可以缓解眼部疲劳,对于长时间对着电脑工作的人群有很好的保健作用。
– 绿色植物有助于放松心情,减轻压力,提升心理健康水平。

6. **养殖简单**:
– 发财树的养护相对简单,耐旱耐阴,对土壤要求不高,适合初学者养殖。

7. **文化象征**:
– 发财树作为传统吉祥植物,承载着人们对美好生活的向往和祝福。



### 药效:

1. **散寒止痛**:艾草根具有温性,能够散寒止痛,适用于治疗少腹冷痛、经寒不调等症状。

2. **温经止血**:艾草根可以温经止血,适用于治疗吐血、衄血、崩漏经多、妊娠下血等虚寒性出血症状。

3. **调理宫寒**:对于女性体质虚寒导致的月经不调、痛经、崩漏,以及孕妇胎动不安、腰痛等,艾草根有明显的疗效。

4. **保胎安胎**:艾草根对于孕妇有保胎安胎的作用,可以缓解先兆流产的症状。

5. **杀菌抗菌**:艾草根中含有杀菌、抗菌的植物碱成分,能够治疗各种外伤感染,如皮癣等。

6. **调理肠胃**:艾草根对于脾胃虚寒引起的腹泻有一定的缓解作用。

7. **健胃止泻**:艾草根可以帮助调理肠胃,改善脾胃功能。

8. **治疗高血压**:艾草根还有可能用于治疗高血压。



### 影响:

1. **副作用**:艾草根虽然药效显著,但过量使用可能导致中毒症状,如恶心、呕吐、腹泻等。

2. **过敏反应**:个别人在使用艾草根后可能会出现过敏反应,如皮肤瘙痒、红肿等。

3. **孕妇慎用**:孕妇在使用艾草根前应咨询医生,因为某些情况下艾草根可能会对胎儿产生不良影响。

4. **相互作用**:艾草根与其他药物可能存在相互作用,因此在服用其他药物时,应咨询医生或药师。

5. **适宜人群**:艾草根适用于虚寒体质的人群,对于实热体质者可能不适用。



1. **温经散寒**:桂叶具有温经散寒的作用,适用于感受风寒引起的症状,如胃腹冷痛、痛经、风湿关节疼痛等。

2. **行气活血**:桂叶能够行气活血,对于改善血液循环有积极作用,适用于治疗跌打损伤、骨折等情况。

3. **止痛**:对于胃腹冷痛、痛经、风湿关节疼痛等症状,桂叶具有显著的止痛效果。

4. **胆汁分泌和利尿**:桂叶能够促进胆汁分泌和利尿,有助于消化和排泄。

5. **通经和退烧**:桂叶可用于通经和退烧,对调节月经和退热有良好效果。

6. **利肝、杀虫**:桂叶具有利肝和杀虫的功效,有助于肝脏健康和驱虫。


7. **助产和激励**:桂叶在传统医学中也被用于助产和激励。

8. **利胃和促进发汗**:桂叶有助于开胃、祛退胀气、安抚胃痛,并能促进发汗。

9. **补身**:桂叶被认为具有补身作用,有助于增强体质。

10. **轻微的麻醉效果**:桂叶还具有轻微的麻醉效果,可以使心灵温暖和平静。






1. **补气血**:红枣含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,能够补中益气,养血安神,对女性调经、补血有很好的效果。

2. **养肝明目**:枸杞含有丰富的多糖、维生素、氨基酸等营养成分,能滋补肝肾,具有明目、润肺的功效,有助于改善视力。


3. **增强免疫力**:枸杞中的多糖成分具有很好的免疫调节作用,可以增强机体免疫力。

4. **抗衰老**:红枣和枸杞都含有抗氧化成分,如维生素C和花青素等,可以帮助清除体内的自由基,减缓衰老过程。

5. **美容养颜**:红枣和枸杞中的营养成分有助于改善皮肤状况,使皮肤红润有光泽。

6. **缓解疲劳**:红枣枸杞水能促进人体产生津液,调和气血,缓解疲劳。


7. **健脾益胃**:红枣具有健脾和胃的作用,对于脾胃虚弱、腹泻、倦怠无力等症状有缓解效果。

8. **改善睡眠**:红枣枸杞水有助于缓解失眠症状,对于经常熬夜的人群有很好的疗效。

9. **缓和药性**:红枣常被用于药性剧烈的药方中,以减少烈性药的副作用,并保护正气。


– 感冒发烧、身体有炎症、腹泻的人群不宜服用枸杞。
– 肝肾不虚者也不宜单独服用枸杞。
– 体质偏热性或正在上火期间的人不宜食用。
– 来月经时,如果月经量较多,不建议食用红枣,因为红枣具有活血作用,可能导致月经期出血增多。
– 孕妇可以适量饮用,但要注意不要过量。



1. **清热解毒**:西瓜皮性寒,可以清热解暑,对于夏季中暑、发热等症状有一定的缓解作用。


2. **利尿消肿**:西瓜皮有利尿的作用,可以帮助身体排出多余的水分,对于水肿有一定的缓解效果。

3. **降血压**:有些资料表明,西瓜皮中的某些成分可能有助于降低血压。

4. **美白肌肤**:西瓜皮中含有维生素C,对于美白肌肤有一定的帮助。


5. **辅助减肥**:西瓜皮低热量,可以帮助控制体重。

6. **促进消化**:西瓜皮中的纤维可以促进肠胃蠕动,帮助消化。



"Brother Lian, take care."

"Lian, wait for me"
"Cao, you’d better listen to me."
"What else can I say? I almost lost my life in your hands!" Cao Hong’s grievance is like a kannika nimtragol abandoned by her husband for a reason.
"Lian good brothers, I was wrong. Can’t I accompany you? Forgive me this time? " Zhang Fengnai’s face was once again exposed, and a deep ceremony almost worshipped Cao Hong’s boots
"Hum which have such a simple thing? A few words for a life? " Although Cao Hong said sternly, Zhang Feng recognized that his tone had loosened.
"An altar’ Don’t do it again’!" Zhang Fengchao Cao Hong held out a finger.
"Hum bye bye, I don’t know you!" Cao Hong turned around and left, a new word, was just learned from Feng Zhang, and it was sent so soon.
Feng Zhang was a pull Cao Hong filled with joy.
Two people, such as a hawker selling onions and an aunt buying onions, make a counter-offer with each other. In the last seven altars, "Don’t do it again" and add a VIP card for Xiaoyaoju to clinch the deal.
Then the two of them hooked their waist and hugged their arms as if nothing had happened, and exchanged greetings like brothers.
When Cao Hong was satisfied with leaving Huang Zhong, he came to the arch from a distance and muttered, "Master Han Sheng has a word that he doesn’t know when to speak improperly."
What happened to Feng Zhang at this time? With a calm face, he said, "Han Sheng has something to say, but he might as well."
Huang Zhong looked around at people and then attached it to Feng Zhang’s side and whispered, "Master, besides his own woman, shouldn’t there be such a shock? Is there something hidden in people?"
Feng Zhang surprised to stare at Huang Zhong. I didn’t expect that he was always wussy. He was the only one who saw that he had a problem.
Anyway, it’s not an outsider. He believes that Huang Zhong won’t tell others the reason, so he also generously tells the reason. "Cao Hei’s official position is now with money and silks, and he bought armor and charger. What can you reward me for? So I just wanted to make a modest mistake, which made him wonder that the horse would give me a reason to make the best of it. "
Huang Zhong suddenly realized that he admired Yu and was wrong. It was incredible that Feng Zhang thought so far and thoroughly about such a thing at an early age
"High is really high!" Huang Zhong gave a high thumbs-up and sent away Feng Zhang, who was triumphant.
Section 53 Become famous in World War I
When updated 2215 2:52: word count 667
Besides, if you think I can’t leave a message, I won’t delete it, but what’s called blue says that my horse doesn’t know his face. Although I need readers very much, I won’t be insulted by him. Listen carefully, you are not a thing!
After Yang people were captured, Dong Zhuo really sent Hu Zhen viceroy Lu Bu to reinforce Tiger Prison.
The good days of freeloading and drinking in the Coalition forces are over. It’s not only Dong Zhuo’s pressure, but also Han Fu’s endless digging of gold mines. Where can we stop responding to these two hundred thousand grandfathers?
Tao Qian’s disease hasn’t been finished yet. Lombardi heard that Feng Zhang had a rich family and made up his mind about Puyang. He was blocked back by Feng Zhang’s one-word rule from several farmers’ fields.
Heavy copper can’t be eaten directly.
Lombardi still didn’t believe in the secret connection. He asked Cao Cao and Qiao Xun all the same answers, so there was no law to attack the tiger prison.
Sun Jian’s troops were disabled and arranged to defend. Yang people may face an attack from the north, and the Coalition forces will break through the tiger prison and launch a converging attack from the south
After that, Sun Jian was no longer stupid. Yuan Shu compensated him for his gold and silver. Yang people took a rest and recruited people. They sent some agents to do things and harassed a small group in the south of Luoyang.
Wang Kuang, Bao Xin and Liu Dai were arranged to attack the tiger prison strikers. Because Lu Bu brought 3,000 reinforcements, they felt that they could cope with 70,000 troops together.
Yuan Shao himself took the other nine routes to "sit in" Zhongjun.
Feng Zhang privately told people that he was afraid of death. If Cao Cao was the leader, he would have personally led the team to chop down people.
The eastern department of Luoyang has seized the passage to Luoyang except the river (the tiger-injection prison and the Si Shui are the same well-known building in the Three Kingdoms, and friends all know that Lao Luo is fooling people in the romance). Sandwiched between two mountains, this majestic pass is like a ferocious monster with a huge mouth, Jie Jie looks at the allies with a smile.
Outside is a vast flat land, with a little bit of sand and even few grass, like a bald man’s head. Although it is May day, strong winds are blowing from time to time, and the dust, grass, debris and gravel hit the allied generals.
The flag is full of black "Dong" characters, the flag is swaying, and Dong Jun soldiers are everywhere. But compared with the allied forces, it is like a small kindergarten class compared with an entire university teacher and student.
Wang Kuang, Bao Xin, and Liu Dai each led their army and slowly spread out in the front-actually three rectangles.
For several famous days, the direct attack method is extremely stupid and consumes troops, so the three "pigs and monkeys" chose to challenge with their own numbers. At this time, Bingzhou fighters were powerful and not many people knew.
Feng Zhang is the only one who knows that the people are all in Dong Pang’s side and the Coalition forces are here.
"Coalition for inverse to the soldiers still not quick to surrender! When you get it, break the tiger prison and burn everything! " Bao Xin is the most proficient martial arts among the three, and the wide plain makes his loud voice out of reach.
It’s a pity that no one hung his soldiers to guard against indifference and looked at him shouting.
"Squeak" a wooden door and heavy friction, self-reliance and extraordinary force. Hu Zhen rode a horse, and Lu Bu was half behind, followed by three thousand fighters brought out of Ding Yuan.
Apart from Lyu3 bu4, the most eye-catching suspect is that Bing fighters even wore leather blindfolds on their horses’ heads, and 3,000 people filed out neatly to form two phalanxes and three noisy soldiers. Compared with the silence and calmness of these 3,000 people, it gives people a murderous feeling.
When the two sides are well-positioned, people will be surprised to see Lu Bu and Feng Zhang-these two men are carved out of the same mold except for a horse.
It’s like a pheasant’s tail feather, a square sky painting a halberd, and a silver robe. Apart from the fact that the armor is too far away to see the difference in style and color of the horse, people suspect that this is simply two brothers.
He’s a brother, but not his own.
Big brother rode a world-famous red rabbit, while little brother rode an ordinary bad horse.
Feng Zhang embarrassed to avoid around to curious eyes secretly determined to find Gongsun Zan to get a good horse from Youzhou. This horse is too shabby.
Moreover, Gongsun Zan should be driving the conference semifinals all over the grassland to fly a few good horses, which is definitely not a problem for him. Besides, he is still a half-teacher himself.
Hu Zhen Dong Zhuo always crowded out some soldiers who later took refuge, such as Xu Rong and even Lu Bu.
Although the former soldier is stronger than him, the latter is brave … Maybe Lu Bu was no match when he was ten years old.
"A surname army is here. Why don’t you give in easily?" Hu Zhen has a hot temper, and many people hate him.
When he went to war, many people maliciously cursed him for never coming back. The most trusted witch prayed that Li Jue personally invited one of the most famous witches in the Ministry to "belly dance" for three hours and prayed silently with trepidation.
"Dong thief perverse we hate can’t give birth to spit its meat Ann willing to bend your knees? Don’t ask Luo Chan to see the real chapter, "said Liu Dai.
Since we can’t talk together, let’s fight.
Hundreds of thousands of people on both sides craned their necks to wait for the theatre. Yuan Shao saw that although there were few cavalry in strange armor in Feng Zhang, their fighting power was extraordinary, and they and Cao Caojia Zhang Feng were specially left by their side.
Although Hu Zhen is annoying, he also knows that Lu Bu is the best in this respect.
Lyu3 bu4 although also want to the Lord himself, it’s a pity to be named.
"I am a surname Dong Yiwen Hou Lu Bu also! Who dares to fight a certain war? " Lyu3 bu4 across the red rabbit empathy two legs as strong as iron bars, gently clip the red rabbit, and a few steps later, Hu Zhen suddenly no one can see Lyu3 bu4′ s height behind him.

Lin dodged the blood bear and threw a’ weapon’. Suddenly, the blood bear suddenly rushed to his thick arm and hugged Lin Huan’s waist directly. "Die!"

After hugging a person’s waist, there are various ways to kill him.
Even if Lin was hugged by his waist, his face didn’t change, and he didn’t wave at all. He directly gave the blood bear a loud slap in the face.
This is also the blood bear heard the last sound exploding in his head … The world is quiet!
The blood bear kept motionless and surrounded the forest, but his eyes had lost their color, bleeding from the eye holes, nostrils, ear holes and mouth.
Lin stretched out his hand and put it on the arm of the blood bear to buckle it to death. He slowly pulled his hands and turned and walked to the door of the cage.
Without speaking, the cage door automatically hits the forest and walks out step by step.
When Lin walked out of the cage, the surrounding sound sounded
"Dark energy!"
"Martial arts master!"
"This is a novice’s first game … er, what’s the matter? I signed a contract!"
"Who signed it?"
"Terence! Or just signed it! How can this guy be lucky to sign a master who knows the secret strength and is very skilled? "
The cage platform is located in a huge square, and hundreds of cage platforms are located in various positions in the square. Here, except for the boxers, there are only workers and brokers. If you find a master or a dark master who can directly carry out high-level battles without investment, you will inevitably conduct an investigation, that is, an online investigation, and you will soon know the information of each boxer.
"There are also dark masters in the 15 th ring!"
"There is a dark master in the 67 th ring!"
Lin appeared as if he had lit a fuse, which set off the whole demon prison. The master of dark energy actually appeared one after another, counting down to nearly ten thousand.
Although there are quite a few dark strength masters in the magic prison, it is still very rare to count them. It is very good to have a dark strength master among 10 thousand fighters.
The main reason is that it is impossible to be short of money for the masters of dark energy. All the masters of dark energy can be sent by Zongli to find a city and a martial arts school. There are a lot of people who pay money to learn skills, and they can also participate in those normal boxing competitions, fighting competitions and martial arts competitions … Although the speed of money is compared with that of the magic prison, the security number can be ten thousand times higher than that of the magic prison. If the gap is too big, the masters of dark energy will not have an accident in the normal competition.
"What happened today?"
"Are martial artists crazy? How come there are so many dark masters?"
"The game is worth watching!"
Marvel can be heard everywhere … Today, the masters of dark energy are all newcomers to play a game, but after being signed, they will inevitably enter a higher level of combat competition, and there will inevitably be masters of dark energy meeting with masters of dark energy.
After returning to the front room, Lin just walked to the door and Terence hit the goalkeeper Lin Ying to come in. "Is the wind snake injured? Do you need treatment? "
"no!" Lin said, "By the way, why didn’t you stay in the square but stayed here?"
Terence smiled and said, "Ha ha! I’m a newcomer, too. A new agent has no money and no potential to stay in the square. Even if he sees any boxer, he will compete, but others might as well stay here honestly to avoid being targeted by others. "
Lin knows some rules here, but he doesn’t know that it belongs to the broker’s rules
Lin nodded and said, "I see. Then arrange their game quickly. I want to find a quiet place as soon as possible to adjust for a day. I’m afraid it’s hard!"
"Difficult?" Terence is strange
"Didn’t you hear the situation outside?" Lin said, "During the walk from my station to here, there were hundreds of dark fighters inside …"
"ah!" Terence exclaims, and he can see the big screen in this room. Only when the battle is over will there be new combat video access … This is a new agent, sad that Terence can get information and see that the battle is very limited.
Otherwise, Terence wouldn’t ask Lin if he wanted to sign a contract just because he didn’t change his face.
Terence was surprised, and then he inquired about it online. Sure enough, the master of dark energy increased one by one. "How is it possible?" A month or two ago, there may not be a dark fighter, but now there are thousands of them … almost ten thousand. "
"Almost ten thousand?"
"well! More than nine thousand five hundred … more than six hundred … ten thousand! "
I heard Terence say that Data Lin frowned … There are 10,000 players. Although most of them are masters who know the dark energy, there are also dozens of them who don’t know the dark energy. But now the dark energy masters are even more than 10,000. It must be np, but what are np dark energy masters doing here? As far as I know, people who come here with np dark strength are offended and can’t be offended to avoid disaster.
It is really strange that there are hundreds of np dark masters!
Terence’s hands and feet are shaking … It was a great thing for him to sign up for a master of dark energy, but now he can’t get up at all
For this case, Lin knows the reason.
It depends on the assets of both brokers … but it cannot exceed a certain limit, which is owned by one of the brokers.
For example, a broker has 10 thousand and b broker has 20 thousand
Agent A wants to bet 50,000 yuan on his own fighter. Agent B will also bet 50,000 yuan if he agrees. If Agent B wants to bet 10,000 yuan, Agent A must also bet 10,000 yuan. Of course, because Agent A has 10,000 yuan, the amount bet by Agent B cannot exceed 10,000 yuan.
Of course, 10 thousand is very small in brokers here, and a figure is not worth anything
Terence is a novice agent, and he wants to accumulate some money by winning a few games with Lin … I didn’t expect that when there were more than 10,000 dark fighters, things almost became uncertain.
According to the normal situation, Terence will challenge some brokers who have one or two fighters in their hands. No matter which one of the other fighters has the dark strength, Linky will win … But now there are more than 10,000 dark fighters. On average, Terence can challenge those brokers without signing one or two.
The difference between the strength grades of dark fighters and dark fighters … When more than 10,000 dark fighters come out and pass a game, they can’t see it. Terence can’t see it.
Lin asked, "Tell me about your agent?"
Terence looked at the other novices and said to Lin, "Later. I can’t talk now."
"hmm!" Lindbergh Terrence means that some things are not known to everyone.
Terence turned to the other novices who were looking at Lin and him, and said, "You’d better hurry up and choose. There’s not much time left to choose. You still have hope of winning. If the time comes, you won’t have a chance!"
As I just saw Lin’s powerful and mysterious strength, I could slap a big guy with seven holes and bleed, and one of them said, "Mr. Wind Snake … can you help me choose an opponent I can beat?"
Lin leng didn’t refuse. "The first spirit on the left side of the line has a very serious problem field. You kneel for him directly and keep kowtowing for mercy, waiting for him to sneak up on his left foot …"
"Kneel … kowtow … beg for mercy?"

"My father said that I would be resurrected four generations before I was 17 years old, because I will face Shengban when I am 1 year old! That’s probably what it means! He didn’t say. "

"What?" Jiraiya and Gang Shou have all grown up for three generations.
"This sentence is too scary? Resurrection for four generations? Shengban? " Whether Jiraiya believes such a thing is true or not, he can accept it!
"I can understand the resurrection of four generations, but the question is, what is this?" Shu Mao obviously can’t understand what’s going on here
Fox can’t sit still any longer. These two people have a lot to do with him. Naturally, I don’t want to talk about it. I used to control Kyubi no Youko! Fox also shuddered at the thought that the man could appear in a dignified manner.
In the four generations, this origin has gone a long way. The little fox was sealed and the human body was not the man Jie? Even when he died, he sealed his own body into his own body. Now the fox is a chakra fit. What a shame! Well, I can only come out for a stroll when I meet Shu Mao, but I can’t leave for too long and I have no power. Isn’t that the man who caused this result?
"Sheng Spot, you can ask the fox in your arms. I think this fox is the clearest thing when he fought my grandfather with Spot!" Gang Shou said that the tree Mao remembered to spy on the strength of Spots. Fox obviously knew him best, but on second thought, it’s not right. Spots are not prosperous in this period, are they? Isn’t it more powerful for the first generation of chakra to be reincarnated by filthy soil? What is this situation?
"Shu Mao, you said you knew about the resurrection of four generations?"
"Oh, well, come on, I’m going to do that. orochimaru’s filth metempsychosis combined with another technique can bring the dead back from this world. This is something that can be done. Now the trouble is that four generations of souls have been eaten by death. If we can bring back four generations of souls from the death side, orochimaru can use filth metempsychosis to save four generations by combining that technique.
And I said that I don’t know if I can finish the technique. "Shu Mao has an existing sharingan. Although Uchihiro’s family is not the same, Shu Mao thinks that the corresponding function still has to wait until his eyes can evolve into a round eye, so he can do it! The only thing is whether he will die after that trick. That’s the point. It’s also because they know this trick that he is forbidden to make a mental state. Shu Mao didn’t say the name of that trick, but he forgot that these people are all child prodigies. Now he has seen that that trick is serious …
"Shu Mao, can you tell me what kind of trick you just got there?" Three generations seemed to take their time, but the hand holding the cigarette rod kept trembling. It’s a pity that the hand didn’t see the tree on the coffee table
"Oh, it’s still early. I haven’t qualified for that yet. If I can’t get it, I’ll have to trouble another one!"
"What conditions?"
"sharingan Evolution One" Shu Mao knows that they are inquiring about things, but he believes that no one will know that sharingan will evolve into a round eye except himself and Xiao Bury who have completed the evolution of sharingan.
Sure enough, three generations and three people all breathed a sigh of relief. If sharingan evolved, the most they knew was that the eternal kaleidoscope was now a tree, and Mao did not reach this state. Another person was obviously thought by them to be a ferret. But they knew that the ferret was so small that everyone didn’t say it. On the one hand, it can’t be said that the ferret is rebellious at present, on the other hand, it is Sasuke.
Shu Mao has successfully put things off in the past. There was a small burial at the edge of Shu Mao who knew the truth. Obviously, he was worried that Shu Mao had been holding hands with Shu Mao and couldn’t help but add a little strength. Shu Mao felt it, but it also quietly concealed the past.
"As a result, our last enemy is very obvious. That is the crisis of Miki Konoha. If Miki knew that Uchihiro was extinct, I don’t know if he would take it out on Konoha. Although it was borne by the ferret alone, it does not rule out the spot rage. Now Konoha can’t resist the spot attack. When the time comes, Konoha will be wiped out! " When Gang Shou said this, the more he said it, the more nervous he felt. After all, he was able to get into that relationship with his grandfather. Without his suppression, who could beat him completely?
"In a few days, I will reach the age of one. Before the age of one, we have ten years to practice hard. Even if we can’t all become ninjas, then we should be less and not slow down, so that one of us can’t beat the spot, but what about a group of us? Do you think this is the truth? What’s worse, Muye can be said to be a previous effort. Who can tell after ten years? " Shu Mao is very optimistic about this matter, which also shows his confidence.
Chapter 10 The Emperor and the Moon
"That’s right. I really agree with Shu Mao’s statement that we can’t be timid before the war, right?" Jiraiya is also a man who led the army and participated in the war. Naturally, he can know that Shu Mao’s statement is indeed very correct
And the three generations and Gang Shou are not stupid, but they can also understand the truth
This has a lot to do with Shu Mao’s idea. Many people who cross the army will show their outstanding ability and qualification by fighting alone. But Shu Mao seems that it is king to fight with all their strength. It is the most correct way to find a way to work together. Is it really tolerable for them to know that one person can resist all external forces without saying that it is just that loneliness? Is it really desirable to be suspicious by people you value, but you still have to make a reasonable explanation, and even take the blame and tread the road of disobedience?
Although Shu Mao has the qualification to go against the sky, so what? If a person’s strength is too high, it will separate him from others, even if they have nothing excessive, but that state of mind is not normal. From the beginning, he played slowly with a hint of worship, and then worship developed to respect and finally completely turned into respect, thus creating a gap between everyone, which is why most people feel that he is under pressure to stay together.
The peerless master is really hostile, but he is very lonely. Everyone respects that you can’t play together. Even when you play together, you will feel depressed. In this form, the peerless master will admit that he has depressed them, and then he will leave those people, and he will become grotesque. He is just lonely. No one can play with him, but he can entertain himself and have some fun. Slowly, people become ignorant of them, and the arrogance of the peerless master makes them disdainful to explain those things. Therefore, an image of an aloof peerless master emerges.
Shu Mao obviously doesn’t want to be so lonely. He prefers to be surrounded by a group of people who support him and accompany him when he reaches the top. It is necessary to be honest or to help those people practice.
There is a saying that it is better to be alone than to be happy with others. The mentality of Shu Mao seems to Gang Shou that the three generations have inherited the will of fire. Generally, they are willing to let Shu Mao solve things that are not too important, and Shu Mao obviously knows that they never cross the line when they take care of them. Shu Mao is more and more liked by the three generations and Gang Shou
This is not only a matter of strength and talent, but also a matter of getting along with others.
Therefore, Shu Mao’s ability to tell things is the best performance of trusting them for three generations.
"Give it to Shu Mao from orochimaru. I believe that Shu Mao can negotiate with orochimaru perfectly. There is no doubt about this." Three generations said.
"In the art tree mau yourself first, if it’s not practical, you’ll find another way, but it’ll take a while for the ghouls to seal the ninja. Then grab back the four generations of souls, and where to start? Even without the ninja filth, I think the four generations can still understand it. Then we’ll find a way together.
If possible, let the first generation of adults come out with the second generation of adults to discuss this matter. Although I am a little sorry for them, the spot problem is no small matter! "Three generations obviously have a deep understanding of the strength of that spot, otherwise he wouldn’t have made such a decision if he loved those hokage people. The three generations must have made great efforts.
"Don’t worry, I’ll try my best. If the negotiation fails, I’ll study the ninja myself." Shu Mao said it was unreasonable, but he was sure that Uncle Snake was a benefactor himself.
"By the way, Shu Mao, I want to ask you how did you know these things were written in the letter just now?"
"Well, this kind of writing is proprietary to our family, and everyone in our family knows it. I haven’t learned it yet, so I don’t know it yet." Shumao was almost stabbed in the lie and came back quickly.
"Well, it’s a great family that a family actually has its own characters!" Three generations praised
"Who says it’s not? What kind of strength is needed to send the buried sauce to this side with yourself?" Shu Mao thought about what he did with the buried sauce
"Well, as far as the five of us know about this, those guys in the village will practice them well. I don’t want them to become the draggers in my brother’s mouth!" Gang Shou threw the ground and immediately decided the fate of those people in the village.
"I think they like my training very much. Don’t worry, I will train them well! Besides, I’m going to tidy up at one o’clock this time. When I get out, I’ll tidy up them first and then practice them well so that they can continue to work hard and don’t give me a break at the key moment. "Shu Mao’s face is smiling, and the three of them are also smiling, wondering and thinking about what Shu Mao just said.
This is still a small burial. I don’t know the strength of Shu Mao. If I knew the strength of Shu Mao, Xiao Buried would know what Shu Mao would say.
"Don’t think about these things. I’ll leave everything to you, Xiao Bury!" Shu Mao touched the little buried head.
"I know, brother, don’t worry, I will work hard."
"When will you learn to cook with me?" Shu Mao wants to see if only outsiders can learn his craft.
At noon, Shu Mao tried Xiao Bury’s strength and found that Xiao Bury could cook something to eat, but it was not very delicious. Shu Mao was determined to teach Xiao Bury to cook something!
"By the way, come out with me and have a look. If only I could find you two hamsters. I know that Buried Sauce likes hamsters very much, right?"
"really?" Xiao Bury showed that charming smile!
"Of course it’s true!"
After lunch, they packed up their things and went to Shumao, the city. During this period, they haven’t come to buy anything for a long time because of various things. Those who know Shumao waved to Shumao to show their enthusiasm.
"Thank you for your love. This is a person’s younger sister’s name is Xiao Bury. Please take a lot of photos! Xiao Bury says hello to his uncles and aunts! "
"Hello uncles and aunts, my name is Xiao Bury, please take more photos!" Say that finish also bowed to everyone.
"Ah, what a lovely little girl!" An aunt boasted that Xiao Bury was flushed.
"Great aunt, do you have hamsters here? Xiao Bury likes hamsters! "
"Mouse, no, but there are two cats and a puppy. Do you want it? Little girl? " Aunt obviously knows that Xiao Bury is the customer at this time. Unlike Shu Mao, who often passes by her shop, she just doesn’t buy pets.
"Can I have a look?" Xiao Bury obviously intends to read it first, because the aunt actually called the cute hamster a mouse, which made Xiao Bury unbearable, but the aunt knew her brother very well and it was not easy to brush her face, right? Can look at it before making a decision!
But when Xiao Bury saw the two cats, he lost his temper. One cat was golden with no trace of noise, and the other was a combination of white and black. The main body was black with white spots, and the four cat claws were all white. Even a layman would like it when he saw these two cats! Don’t talk about Xiao Bury! Xiao Bury happily picked up two kittens with little faces and rubbed them around. Obviously, he liked it very much!
"Are these two little guys buried?"
"Good brother, I’m going to these two! Brother, give me a name! "
"Golden called the emperor? How about black and white called the moon? "
"Shu Mao, you have a good name. It happens that the emperor is a male and the moon is a mother." The aunt boasted.
"What a coincidence! So who is older?"
"Naturally, the emperor is older," the aunt introduced.
"Oh, the emperor must take good care of the moon!" Xiao Bury said to the emperor seriously that the emperor was still very sensible, as if he saw Xiao Bury’s mind and nodded, which made Xiao Bury even more happy.
"Don’t worry, the emperor will take good care of the moon. Besides, there is a little fox, so you can rest assured." Say that finish, Shu Mao took the little fox out of his arms and the little fox was sleeping in a daze, so he couldn’t stay cute. When he saw him, he was shocked. The bright red fur was lazy and sleepy, so he was recruited. Of course, there was this aunt.
"Fox should take good care of the moon and the emperor after hearing it." Shumao touched Fox’s ear.
"This is the emperor and the moon, please give me some advice." Xiao Bury picked up two kittens in his arms and introduced them to Xiao Fox.

And some are because they have not adjusted their mentality.

In the fast-paced G League, teams need to pay enough money after entering this league, and learn to be familiar with this rhythm and environment. The most obvious thing is to know their opponents.
This is the same as that of men and women, although you may not have met your opponent before HAPPY, which will give you a sense of mystery and special excitement.
But if you meet an opponent who is as fierce as a wolf, you may have an unforgettable night.
You’ll never forget it. It’s enough to have a few at night
Most people can’t stand more.
IG experienced two unforgettable nights in the first two rounds of G League.
I lost six games and lost one game. IG swallowed three bombs at home and away, or in the first season of G League.
The first two rounds of IG are two three-to-one duck eggs.
This once made the IG behind-the-scenes investors a little unhappy, but in fact, the IG level is still there, especially the players ZHOU and ZSMJ in the array.
In the CDCE low-level regional league, these two newcomers were hand-picked by IG’s behind-the-scenes boss and finally brought directly to IG with a check.
In the past year, with the improvement of IG scores, PLU has made its mark in the professional competitive professional circle last year.
DOAER found out that many people couldn’t find an appetizing game in the offseason of G League. These two people played really well in PLU League.
ZHOU feels stable.
And ZSMJ main force c is more passionate than ZHOU, and these two people are now the main force c and the pseudo-nucleus in IG.
Some people joke that if the four kings of Team A are quad-core drivers,
Then playing in IGPLU league is like a dual-core Mercedes-Benz. Once the game enters the middle and late stage, it will be in these two dual-core rhythms.
In the third round, when IG won the opponent 2-1, these two late performances also became a guarantee for victory.
After the second round, I handed in two rounds of IG.
In the third and fourth rounds, the opponents were not very strong, and they won two victories with the excellent performance of the main players, especially the two main players in the later period.
Winning IG is like taking a normal track team, which has a relatively stable play.
For example, in the fifth and sixth rounds, I lost to A and DK…… unexpectedly …
This is really a normal phenomenon for a new G-League team like IG. After all, A and DK are now fighting for the top spot in G-League.
Therefore, the situation of IG competing in these two top teams is like a little girl struggling unsuccessfully, who can arrange her messy clothes and find an opponent to see if it is possible to turn over.
But unfortunately, their seventh round opponent is EH…… …
This is better than the first two domineering club teams, but it is still similar to the wolf in the eyes of IG …
At best, it’s a wolf with its tail between its legs. The difference is that it will be gentler to lose to EH.
"IG is not a weak team because they defeated 7L before, and you should know that the strength of these two teams is very clear." Pig’s head has topped his nose, and his eyes have recently lost weight. The nose of this pair of glasses also looks a bit bad.
Maybe hungry? Pig’s head dish reminds me that my wife made lunch for herself before going out at noon today and got dumped. Now it’s a tactical plan at the meeting, and she needs her own head.
Pig head dish glanced at his teammates in front of him.
But it’s not a top team because they just entered the G League this year.
"Go go ~! Is the pig’s head vegetable eaten too much green vegetables recently? No, you’re talking nonsense and kung fu is good on competition day. Tell me something practical. Everyone is still waiting to watch the video. "DCG finally spoke first.
The fact that it has been said for so long has really been irrelevant.
"Well, since everyone wants to listen to the tactics directly, let’s get straight to the point. IG, the two main forces C can’t cooperate. Our tactics are that GANK directly collapses their main force C, and one is bound to be stunted in the later stage. Because teammates can’t cooperate, IG can’t play five?"
"You mean ZHOU or ZSMJ? Come on, it’s not a clown. Let’s go back and watch the rival video of Blizzard Invitational Tournament. "DCG is still so acute.
But this is a pig’s head dish noodles.
Generally speaking, IG is a new face tactic in the G League. Everything is actually very general. It is not a big problem for EH to give full play to his own strength and be a guest at home.
Blizzard invited Sain to sponsor the next ten days of this round with a million dollars, which has become the most important thing for EH now.
This is not to say that EH does not attach importance to the first round of opponent IG.
In fact, the materials that Lao K gave pig’s head dishes had tactical characteristics that were thinner than those of IG players, but the pig’s head dishes were taken over by himself and the conclusion was that
This is another upgraded team in an ordinary low-level league. If the boss behind the scenes is not willing to pay or the behind-the-scenes consortium is interested in pushing this team to a larger platform of G League.