
1. **减肥与降脂**:桑叶茶中的活性碱能促进胃肠道粘膜蠕动,有助于预防便秘、腹胀等症状,同时还能抑制血糖升高、控制血脂,对于需要控制体重和高血脂的人群来说,是较好的选择。

2. **降血糖**:桑叶具有抑制血糖上升的作用,其作用机理与桑叶中的氨基酸、纤维素、维生素、矿物质及多种生理活性物质有关,能有效抑制食后血糖上升。

3. **抗菌消炎**:桑叶对金黄色葡萄球菌、乙型溶血性球菌、白喉杆菌、炭疽杆菌等具有抑制作用,其植物防御素也具有抗微生物作用。

4. **降血压**:桑叶中的氨基丁酸成分有助于降低血压。

5. **降血脂**:桑叶中的植物甾醇有助于降低血脂。

6. **抗氧化与抗衰老**:桑叶中含有丰富的槲皮素、酚类化合物和维生素C等成分,能有效清除体内多余的自由基,提高皮肤的抗氧化成分,达到延缓衰老的效果。

7. **平肝明目**:桑叶泡水饮用可以缓解肝阳上亢导致的头晕、目赤昏花等症状,对于肝阳上亢引起的头痛,可以用桑叶和菊花搭配泡水饮用。


8. **增强抵抗力和免疫力**:桑叶中含有大量的微量元素和氨基酸,能为身体提供营养,并促进身体吸收利用。

9. **缓解更年期综合征**:桑叶具有稳定植物神经系统功能的作用,可缓解老年人更年期情绪激动,性情乖戾。

10. **美容**:桑叶可以用于治疗黄褐斑,每日取桑叶15克,沸水浸泡当茶饮,一般服用20天后即有明显疗效。



1. **增强体力与精力**:红参中富含人参皂苷等成分,能够有效提升人体的耐力和精力,对于因疲劳导致的体力下降有显著改善作用。


2. **调节血压**:红参茶有助于维持血压的稳定,对于高血压患者具有一定的辅助调节作用。

3. **改善大脑功能**:红参茶可以提高认知能力和专注力,对于改善大脑功能、增强记忆力有积极作用。

4. **促进消化**:红参茶能够促进胃蛋白酶的分泌,有助于食物的消化,缓解腹胀、便秘和胀气等问题。

5. **养颜美容**:红参茶有助于保持体内的液体平衡,促进新陈代谢,使皮肤看起来更加年轻健康,具有养颜驻容的功效。

6. **抗氧化与抗衰老**:红参茶中的抗氧化成分能够清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化,具有抗衰老的作用。

7. **提高免疫力**:红参中的有效成分能够增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。


8. **改善血液循环**:红参茶有助于改善血液循环,促进新陈代谢,对于预防心脑血管疾病有一定的积极作用。

9. **缓解疲劳**:红参茶具有缓解疲劳、提神醒脑的效果,对于长时间工作或学习后感到疲劳的人有很好的恢复作用。

10. **抗癌作用**:红参茶中的某些成分具有一定的抗癌活性,能够抑制癌细胞的生长和扩散。



1. **润肠通便**:竹参具有润肠通便的功效,对于缓解便秘、促进肠道蠕动有一定的帮助。

2. **降脂减肥**:竹参中含有的有效成分可以帮助降低血脂,对于减肥有一定的辅助作用。

3. **健脾益胃**:竹参可以增强脾胃功能,对于脾胃虚弱、消化不良等症状有改善作用。


4. **补充营养**:竹参含有丰富的蛋白质和氨基酸,其中谷氨酸含量较高,可以补充人体必需的营养物质。

5. **防癌抗癌**:竹参中含有的成分能够降低胆固醇,具有一定的防癌抗癌作用。

6. **祛风除湿**:对于风湿痹痛、四肢麻木等症状有一定的缓解作用。

7. **活血舒经**:对于活血舒经、止咳也有一定的功效。

8. **其他功效**:竹参对于治疗肺虚咳喘、乏力消瘦、慢性痢疾、慢性肝炎等也有一定的疗效。



– **医嘱服用**:由于竹参具有一定的药性,因此在使用前需遵医嘱,不可胡乱用药,以免延误病情或对身体产生不良影响。

– **注意事项**:孕妇及高血压患者应禁服竹参;在服药期间应避免食用萝卜、酸辣等刺激性食物。

– **食用方法**:竹参可以泡发后食用,也可以与其他食材搭配烹饪。



1. **抗氧化作用**:绿茶粉中富含茶多酚和儿茶素,这些成分具有强大的抗氧化能力,可以有效中和自由基,减缓细胞衰老,有助于延缓衰老过程。

2. **心血管健康**:茶多酚有助于降低胆固醇,改善心血管健康,减少高血压、心脏病和中风的风险。

3. **减肥与代谢**:绿茶粉中的咖啡因和儿茶素能提高新陈代谢,促进脂肪氧化,有助于减轻体重和控制体重。

4. **抗癌潜力**:绿茶粉中的茶多酚被认为具有抗癌潜力,可以抑制癌细胞的生长,有助于预防某些类型的癌症。


5. **改善脑功能**:绿茶粉中的咖啡因和氨基酸有助于提高注意力、警觉度和认知功能,改善大脑健康。

6. **降低糖尿病风险**:绿茶粉的成分可能有助于改善胰岛素敏感度,从而降低患糖尿病的风险。

7. **口腔健康**:绿茶粉的抗氧化物质有助于预防口腔问题,如牙龈疾病和蛀牙,同时还能减轻口腔异味。

8. **抗炎作用**:绿茶粉中的茶多酚具有抗炎作用,有助于减轻炎症相关疾病的症状。

9. **调节肠道功能**:绿茶粉具有一定的利尿和通便成分,如咖啡因和茶碱等,这些成分可以促进肠道蠕动,缓解便秘。

10. **清除体内毒素**:绿茶粉可以清除人体日常生活中摄入的激素类、化学类药物所积淀的毒素,调节人体内分泌。

11. **提高免疫力**:绿茶粉中的多种生物活性成分有助于增强机体免疫力。


12. **美容养颜**:绿茶粉中的抗氧化成分有助于养容美颜,让肤质更幼嫩。



### 益处:


1. **易于消化**:白粥经过熬煮,米粒变得软糯,易于消化吸收,适合肠胃功能较弱的人群,如老人、儿童和肠胃病患者。

2. **补充水分**:白粥含有大量的水分,有助于补充人体所需的水分,尤其在干燥的天气或运动后饮用,能有效地防止脱水。

3. **预防便秘**:白粥中含有的水分和纤维可以促进肠胃蠕动,有助于预防便秘。

4. **养胃**:白粥能够温和地刺激胃液分泌,有助于改善胃部功能,对胃溃疡和慢性胃炎有一定的缓解作用。

5. **增强食欲**:白粥清淡,适合与各种小菜、肉类等搭配,有助于增加食欲,补充体力。



6. **预防感冒**:白粥在寒冷天气中具有很好的保暖作用,可以增加身体御寒能力,预防感冒。

7. **滋润喉咙**:对于喉咙不适或发言疼痛的人,温热的粥汁可以滋润喉咙,缓解不适。

8. **延年益寿**:长期适量饮用白粥,有助于补充营养,促进身体健康,有延年益寿的作用。

9. **护肤**:白粥中的某些成分对皮肤有滋润作用,有助于改善肤质。

### 影响:

1. **营养单一**:如果长期只喝白粥,可能会造成营养摄入不均衡,建议搭配蔬菜、水果和蛋白质食物。

2. **糖尿病风险**:白粥含有较高的碳水化合物,糖尿病患者应适量食用,以免影响血糖控制。

3. **不适宜所有人群**:对于一些特殊人群,如胃酸过多、胃食管反流病等患者,白粥可能会加重症状。



1. **增强免疫力**:竹灵芝中含有丰富的多糖体和多种酶类,这些成分能够有效调节人体免疫系统,增强机体抵抗力,有助于预防感冒和其他疾病。


2. **心血管保护**:研究表明,竹灵芝能够降低胆固醇和血压,减少血栓形成,对心脏功能有改善作用,从而有助于预防心脑血管疾病。


3. **调节神经系统**:竹灵芝被认为可以调节神经系统,有效抗神经衰弱,对于治疗高血压、糖尿病等慢性病有辅助作用。

4. **抗肿瘤活性**:竹灵芝中的某些活性成分能够抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散,对于辅助治疗肿瘤疾病有一定的效果。

5. **止咳平喘**:对于慢性支气管炎等呼吸系统疾病,竹灵芝有良好的治疗效果,可以帮助止咳平喘。

6. **滋补强壮**:竹灵芝具有滋补强壮的功效,常作为补品出现,有助于增强体质,提高生活质量。

7. **解毒保肝**:竹灵芝能够解毒,保肝强心,对于肝脏疾病有一定的治疗作用。

8. **镇静安神**:对于焦虑、失眠等问题,竹灵芝有一定的缓解作用,有助于人们获得心灵的宁静。

9. **抗缺氧、抗惊厥**:竹灵芝还有抗缺氧、抗惊厥的功效,对于提高人体耐力、减少惊厥风险有帮助。

10. **延年益寿**:在中国传统文化中,灵芝被赋予了吉祥、长寿的象征意义,长期服用被认为可以延年益寿。

– 确保购买到的是合格的竹灵芝产品,最好在专业医生的指导下使用。
– 注意个人体质差异,适量服用,不宜过量。
– 了解相关注意事项,如服用期间避免与某些药物同时使用等。


"…" Qiao Yun suddenly have no words to pick up.

Strangely, he hooked his hand and motioned for him to lean a little further.
Qiao Yun shook his head. "What are you doing?" The shadow that kissed him suddenly jumped out again.
Mo ran snorts lightly, grabs the necklace and goes around behind him.
Qiao Yun looked back with alarm. "What do you mean?"
"Wear it for you." Mo ran up a head taller than Qiao Yun.
At the moment, even more, Qiao Yun hands on the desktop, leaning back slightly, he even looked at the stranger with his neck upturned.
"No, no, no, no," Qiao Yun said. "I know you sent it to the wrong person. I’ll bring it to you as soon as I get up."
He almost said that you took me as your object and did something stupid. Being a brother forgives you not seriously, although it is a necklace and a first kiss …
Bah, first kiss
Qiao Yun is most angry about this.
Brother put up with tears
But Mo Ran looked down at him and didn’t listen to him at all. The necklace button in his hand had been opened.
"Get up and turn around" command tone
Qiao Yun shook his head hard. If you take it back, I won’t say that you don’t have to face it.
See Qiao Yun twist motionless devoted to the matter.
"What’s the matter? How can you return it when you have sent it all?" Mo Ran deliberately turned his face cold and his tone was a little impatient. He grabbed Qiao Yun and turned him half a circle.
Qiao Yun resist him back "n-"
He’s about to cry. He doesn’t want to send it to the wrong person and force it to be poor! ! !
But just as he looked back with a face of injustice, his instantaneous hand accidentally grabbed the loose robe belt.
The disobedient robe opened to reveal Qiao Yun’s whole white shoulder.
More importantly, he is now in a positive position with Mo Ran, holding his other shoulder with one hand.
No matter how you look at him, it seems that he has been bullied.
Face coagulation Qiao Yunxin crying crazily.
After that, Qiao Yun didn’t dare to go alone to find the stranger necklace and finally put it on his neck
I took Dai Daina and took it several times, and finally he put it in the desk drawer.
If one day I bring my date to meet him, this necklace will become something I can’t tell.
He can’t ruin his brother’s happiness.
Endure it
Qiao Yun hid from Mo Ran for several days and was glad that Mo Ran was busy with the computer contest and didn’t look for his accountability.
Until the computer program competition started, I sent him a message, which was a threatening message.
If I don’t see you at the venue today, you know.
He took Liu Xing and Chen Feng to the competition venue early in the morning.
"The game doesn’t start until 9: 00. What are we doing sitting here at half past 0?" Liu Xing yawned and asked Qiao Yun sleepily.
Chen Feng also looked like he didn’t wake up. "Yeah, why don’t we go to the cafeteria for breakfast and come back?"
Although he was threatened by a strange text message, Qiao Yunshen was still very happy.
Not only Mo Ran but also Xiao Nan participated in this competition.
After all, we are all brothers. It is an essential courtesy to pay tribute.
"Mo Ran and Xiao Nan prepared it backstage at seven o’clock. How dare you miss the opening?" Qiao Yunbai gave two people a look.
Liu Xing leaned against Chen Feng’s shoulder and didn’t even open his eyes. "I’m embarrassed, but are you embarrassed if I take my colleagues to brush them until the early hours of the morning?"
During this period, Qiao Yun had not played games for a long time because of community affairs. Many people in the gang had problems with him, so Liu Xing spontaneously organized and took them to brush the vice, which calmed the public anger.
"Thank you, Mr. Liu. It’s a great honor for me to know you." Qiao Yun patted him and looked around again. "So I’ll go to the cafeteria to buy breakfast for you. Will you take a good seat for me as compensation?"
Liu Xing shook hands and motioned for Qiao Yun to go back quickly. Chen Feng relied on each other to continue to rest.
When Qiao Yun trotted to the canteen with a big bag of breakfast lunch boxes and returned to the venue non-stop, Liu Xing and Chen Feng were already asleep and the seats next to them were occupied.
Qiao Yun angrily threw breakfast in Liu Xing’s pocket and turned to look for a seat again.
However, this competition is a large-scale event in C’s sophomore year, which has been expected for a long time. Before the official start of the competition, there are already a sea of people in the venue, and there are no seats left.
Naiqiaoyun found an aisle near the competition area.
[Have you arrived yet? How come I didn’t see you]
Stranger but news sent up again.
Qiao Yun sat around the aisle and his classmates blocked his view. He craned his neck and didn’t see Mo Ran.
[Don’t worry when we get here]
Qiao Yun replied to the text message impatiently.
Strangely, I went back to [Well, my second station]
Qiao Yun thinks that his heart should not be that his boyfriend has been dragging him around all the time.
[I know] Qiao Yunhui [The first one is Xiao Nan. He told me you were behind him]

"Big Brother"

The remaining two people shook their machetes and jumped to the crowd. One-eyed, they looked up at the dark night in front of them. Lin Feng disappeared again. This is the first time that Lin Feng really did a great job. Not only did he know how to use saber to make up for the surrounding environment, but he also broke it one by one with the help of terrain.
"triangle array"
Instantly turning around and holding a machete to the outside is the most vulnerable to attack. At that moment, the one-eyed person decisively chooses the defensive torch to light up the whole bright and dark shadow. The distance is so close that one person seizes the opportunity to leap out of the knife.
"Come back"
The one-eyed man stared at the sight as the machete split the whole thing and tore it. It was just a shabby gown, and the knife light suddenly rose from behind, not a pair of knives alternately tapping windson.
A knife hit another knife to "come out" before the body guard. At this moment, Lin Feng is armed with a bloody machete. One-eyed and another person can hardly pose a threat to Lin Feng.
"Brother, let’s go."
Ten people are now left with two. At this moment, Lin Feng has finished incarnating death, and his means of killing are endless. He is afraid that not only the one-eyed person has the same heart, but he has reached the goal of calling again. He has changed from ten people to two people, and if he wants to die again, he can take all the wealth himself.
One-eyed suddenly pushed his left hand forward, and the man was unprepared. Suddenly, he tried to lift his arm forward, which was equal to directly attacking himself. Although the posture was a little weird, he couldn’t care so much without hesitation.
"Brother … brother" said two words with the last strength and fell to the ground.
"Why do you want to do this?"
This scene reminds Lin Feng of the dead car god. At that moment, the heartache must be exactly the same as that of the dead knife. Betrayal is especially the most trusting, and the taste is the most uncomfortable.
"What did you kill again?"
Windson cold hum a "windson never thought of killing people, everything is forced by you to do so"
One-eyed sneer with pride, "If you were me, you would do the same. You are very powerful. Don’t forget that my knife will release me soon. I am willing to give you 12 thousand."
Twelve thousand silver is enough to tempt a person.
Lin Fengxiao’s 12 thousand is not necessarily a small sum, although it is still a temporary way to find out what a silver is at this time
"Fifty-two thousand" One-eyed people hold out almost all five fingers when they grind their teeth.
"I want everything and your life."
Do everything possible to eliminate evil, or in another year, the fierce wolf will appear even more ferocious than before. Hatred in the bottom of my heart can make people’s hearts more distorted. By that time, these kind-hearted people will fight for the villagers and eventually be devastated by each other’s knives.
The method of keeping one’s head down at that moment is to see the face clearly. The body is how many times the wicked man holds the knife against each other and looks at each other imploringly. He doesn’t want to be his turn at this moment.
"all for you"
Suddenly hit two shadows in the sleeve and went straight to Lin Feng’s other. Lin Feng couldn’t be careless. The machete drew two knife shadows in his hand. Look at the one-eyed. Turning around, he fled. He has reached a dead end. The one-eyed has endless wealth. At that moment, it is no longer the time when his brother became timid, selfish, greedy and evil because of wealth.
Chapter 17 Tokens
Rip screamed in the night and jumped out of bed quickly. That’s it! There is no rest day. Li Xiuer hides in front of the woodshed and covers her mouth with her hands for fear of making a sound and being discovered.
Sadly, the knife light rises in the night, and with the knife light, the shadow falls through the crack of the door to see clearly. At that moment, when someone really broke into the village, Brother Lin was trying to protect himself, but he was mistakenly taken advantage of the danger to do that.
Rip secretly came out from the inside, bent down and approached her granddaughter’s Westinghouse in the dark, and there was no response. Suddenly, she was impatient.
"Grandpa, I am here."
"Hide and never come out."
Rip heard the sound and put his hands in front of him, mostly praying for the nightmare to pass quickly. At this time, he can rely on people to have forest air.
At that moment, Lin Feng’s blood knife sent out a surprising murder, which made the one-eyed fear to save his life. All the moves were sent out. hidden weapons in the Tibetan sleeve both played at a slow speed to deal with ordinary people, but it was also possible for Lin Feng to shake out the blood knife and shoot down the one-eyed eye in succession. It has reached hidden weapons’s goal of delaying Lin Feng’s own escape.
It’s dark at the moment, and the chance of a lone wolf escaping is not slow at all. Danger can also stimulate people’s physical potential, and their legs keep running outside the village.
Suddenly, dozens of torches lit up in the periphery of the village, reflecting torches, spears, machetes and even bows and arrows. Your honour can’t be wrong. The first person is Yu Datong.
"My Lord, help me"
At the same time, Yu Datong’s voice fell, and the archer behind him instantly launched more than ten sharp arrows with a wave of his arm, and went straight to the one-eyed position for an instant.
In the night, the arrows break and ring, so the distance between the arrows is amazing. The lone wolf seems to be ready, and the copper ring broadsword in his hand keeps blocking.
Originally, it was a deal. Yu Datong used the fierce wolf to eradicate dissidents and also saved his own achievements. The fierce wolf attached himself to Yu Datong’s forces and was reckless in collecting money. This way seems to be stable. Once the interests change, the one-eyed person is also wary.
With a stuffy hum, it’s equally important to stop two arrows with a broadsword and hit one deeply into the calf and the other in the chest, although it’s not crucial.
"Yu Datong, you killed so many people. You really hurt me."
"It’s natural for people to kill pests." Yu Datong’s expression is behind his own people. Black and white are in charge here.
Yu Datong’s men rushed out behind him, trying to reveal their own situation in front of Xiancheng’s adult to deal with a man who was seriously injured by two arrows in a row.
Just wrong. Who is the one-eyed fierce wolf? It’s a good thing to see a few people rush in and shout. The broadsword hits one person and the other pike hits at the same time.
"Yu Datong will never let you go if he is always a ghost."
One-eyed corners of the mouth bleeding broadsword conveniently swept to the crowd, and several policemen fell to the ground. At that moment, one-eyed people were covered in blood and scared to retreat.
"There are many rewards for killing fierce wolves."
One-eyed is a spent force. A few bold people rushed to the crowd. One-eyed eyes were straight, and their broadswords widened with their eyes landing. Most of them didn’t expect to die like this in the end.
"Good" With the one-eyed fierce wolf organization completely removed, most of them are forest air contributions, and more than one Datong will be remembered in the end.
"Do adults enter the village?"
"Go hand in hand to prevent the murderer from escaping"
Torches are lit up in the forest air. You can see clearly that the outcome of a lone wolf’s death is the same. It doesn’t matter who dies.
"Lord XianCheng came to arrest the murderer and other people and quickly avoided."
The chief raised his torch and shouted forest air and then stepped back. From the other side’s clothing, I can see that the secret passages in my heart are really clever. I have to find someone to get together all night, so I don’t have to worry.
With the chief officers breaking into the village, Yu Datong looked at the five bodies around him. There was nothing wrong with adding a lone wolf to the death of the village. The gang died completely and thought that all the wealth belonged to themselves. I couldn’t help smiling at the corners of my mouth. I should thank this talent very much.
"arresting people"
Chief fast chung’ will Lin Fengwei Lin Fengwei holding a bloody machete so it is most clear that the man in Ma Sankou is him.
Squeak a door and push Rip to run out quickly. "The adults made a mistake. He is not a bad guy but saved the village hero."
"Hero!" Yu Datong snorted, "Whoever wants to kill someone will be sent to the government for disposal. It is according to the rules."
"What a rule if a group of thieves break into an adult’s home? Is it watching women, money being taken away or taking up arms to resist? "
"Then the thieves will have their own way to deal with it if they break into houses."
"Everything is due to Sa ‘er, so please forgive Brother Lin. Sa is willing to be a cow and horse for a generation." Li Xiuer ran out of the woodshed with tears in her eyes and was willing to do anything to save Brother Lin.
"Li Xiuer’s family also took away the criminals."

After twenty strokes, Yu Jin is another big drink "kill!"

The pike in his hand is extremely sharp and pricks at the waist of Shimon.
Because the angle is sharp in the forbidden hand, the pike, like the same snake gun, bends into a great arc
It is almost impossible for Shi Meng to stop the Jinfeng gun because of the bending of the pike gun body. Even if Shi Meng is sure that the Jinfeng gun body is blocked at the forbidden gun tip, he can continue to stab his waist with a slight shake of the gun tip.
Shi Meng didn’t stop the forbidden shot, but suddenly jumped from his horse to avoid the forbidden blow. Jinfeng gun leaned out in the middle and stabbed the forbidden eyebrows.
The sharp light from the tip of a golden phoenix gun is like a golden phoenix beak.
"This is your business? It’s not that easy to kill me. "
Yu Jin’s wrist is horizontally bent into half a round pike, and suddenly it becomes a vertical gun with its tip arching towards the ground.
Then the gun body bounces back, and the gun tip turns into a gun tip facing the sky or a half circle facing the sky. The gun tip is as fast as a meteor and hits the gun tip of Jinfeng gun.
Shi Mengfeng’s beak gun was completely stopped and did not bring any harm to Yu Jin.
Shi Meng seems to be afraid of the ban, and he twisted to fall back into the gun on horseback and ran to the gate with a hard kiss-up.
"Where to run?" Yu Jin’s ass-kissing is on the verge of beheading Shi Meng. He is not willing to let Shi Meng run away like this.
"Not good!" Watching Cao Cao behind, Guo Jia eagerly said, "Sound the golden bell quickly."
After Guo Jia came out, Cao Cao didn’t say anything bad about Guo Jia, but he still let people retreat.
Pursuing Shi Meng Yu Jin also heard it, but seeing that Shi Meng was two zhangs away, he was really unwilling to give up like this.
Just wondering whether to listen to the order to retreat or continue to pursue Shi Meng, Shi Meng suddenly slowed down and stabbed Yu Jin’s heart with a sudden comeback.
Cao Cao finally Bai Guo Jia couldn’t say for sure. This stone fierce was obviously tempted by the false pursuit.
Yu Jin is angry in the war, not Zhang Tong’s contempt for Shi Meng.
But Guo Jia can see clearly that even if Shi Meng hides his strength and shows that his strength is slightly weaker than the ban, it is impossible to lose so easily.
Isn’t it true that after that trick was cracked by Yu Ban, there was no fighting force to escape?
Guo Jia was the first to realize that Cao Cao only realized when he saw Shi Meng turn around and shoot a gun. After Xu Chu and Dian Wei left Guo Jia, Ma also realized that Shi Meng was luring in the pursuit.
If Yu Jin didn’t hesitate when he sounded the golden bell, he would simply give up pursuing Shi Meng’s comeback, and he would never be able to use it.
It’s a pity that in the hesitation, the horse is still chasing the stone.
Shi Meng wanted to let Yu Jin pursue for a while, but when he heard Cao Cao’s singing, Shi Meng was also worried that Yu Jin would give up the pursuit, and then he suddenly slowed down and cast his comeback.
In this way, the comeback is easy to be avoided by people with combat experience. The best comeback is naturally a sudden return shot in a high-speed sprint.
Shi Meng had to slow down because of the distance between them, otherwise even if he used the perfect comeback, he would not be able to stab him.
If Yu Jin is not distracted, he can realize the danger and avoid before the meeting after seeing Shi Meng suddenly slow down.
However, he was distracted. On the one hand, he was reluctant to give up the "good opportunity" to slay Shi Meng, and on the other hand, he was worried that he would be punished by Cao Cao when he heard the sound of the golden bell and did not retreat.
When Shi Meng suddenly slowed down, he failed to react. By the time he saw the spear point stabbing himself, the distance between the spear point and him was less than half a foot.
Chapter 49 Capture Yu Jin alive
Although jinfeng didn’t have golden light flashing at this time, it was even more horrible to give it a forbidden feeling.
The head of the gun contains a murder weapon, even though his heart is still some distance away, it makes him feel cold all over.
Yu Jin wants to dodge, but his body feels stiff. The stiff body is not caused by his fear, but the stone fierce jinfeng gun is locked.
At this moment, I feel that no matter how he dodges, the head of Jinfeng gun will always be aimed at his heart.
"Are you going to die?" Yu Jin thought, "I haven’t broken through to the mid-five-star. I haven’t made a big splash. How can I die like this?"
He wanted to dodge, but he couldn’t
Shi Meng’s strength is a line higher than his, and now he is still returning to the carbine, which is almost a sneak attack.
Jinfeng gun pierced Yu Jin’s chest, and then Shi Meng pike picked Yu Jin’s body and threw it in Zhang He’s direction. Zhang He reached out and grabbed it and put it sideways on his horse.
Why did Bai Shimeng throw Yu Jin’s body at himself? But as soon as Zhang He received Yu Jin’s body, he realized that Yu Jin didn’t die. Jinfeng was stabbed in the right chest, not in the heart.
Although there was no death, he was seriously injured and put on horseback. Although he was conscious, he had no strength all over.
If you can’t get medical treatment, even if you get lucky, your life will be ruined.
Shi Menglai did stab Yu Jin’s heart, but at the last moment, he missed it slightly, hitting Yu Jin and avoiding the heart.
Whether to kill or not depends on Shi Meng’s intention. In the end, Shi Meng still thinks it is better to capture him alive.
If Yu Jin can surrender, it will not only weaken Cao Cao’s strength, but also improve his own strength.
On the other hand, Le Jin saw that Yu Jin was shot and his body was thrown away. It was already coming to save him. I don’t know if Shi Meng’s shot was dead or alive.
However, Lejin still rushed over to fight Shi Meng.

The breeze blows the skirt, the hair flies and the hair dances faintly, but the pure, lively and lovely girl has a strange and fascinating charm.

Elo couldn’t help secretly admiring the beautiful girl who slightly eclipsed the sunshine, but in the depths of her eyes, she quietly crossed an imperceptible yearning. It’s been five years since I saw her again. The little girl who used to run around behind her in the back of the village must have grown into a girl as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade now …
"I didn’t expect to meet you early in the morning. Where are you going?" The girl moved lightly across a wisp of faint fragrance and the cute little face in Arlo’s nose bloomed with a smile as pure as the most ordinary innocent little girl without any arrogance similar to that of other brothers. If I don’t know her identity, I’m afraid it’s hard to link this smiling girl to the identity of Miss Qin Wangfu.
"I … have no matter to walk around" will be deeply hidden in the fundus emotional convergence Arlo corners of the mouth with some unnaturally pulled a bunch of laughs out of the corner of his eye and unconsciously took a girl behind Qin Chloe, followed by several Wangfu maids. Although these maids are all called good looks and temperament, they can degenerate into dim fireflies compared with this dazzling girl in front of them.
After finding that unruly Qin Yu was not here this time, Elo was also slightly relieved. Of course, he was not afraid of that person’s mean woman, but after all, the latter’s identity was there in case of another conflict, which might be a little troublesome.
"That’s good. I’m going to play in the market outside now. Why don’t we go together?" Qin Kerr didn’t find Errol’s little move and winked at the invitation.
"This ….." Ai Luo dazed for a while and then secretly smiled bitterly. He still has a lot of things to do. What’s the mind to play with?
Shaking his head, Elojust wanted to politely decline his heart, but at this time, he suddenly moved and looked at the girl’s face with a slightly expectant look and swept his eyes. The maids hesitated for a long time and finally said to Qin Keer in a low voice with embarrassment, "Keer … can you lend me some money?"
I managed to squeeze this rather embarrassing remark out of my throat. Arlo felt that his face was a little hot. He could almost imagine what kind of strange expression he had. It was the first time he borrowed money from a girl after all these years. If it were anything else, he would not have said it. However, now he can also lose his face by being cross-minded.
Although he and Qin Mo’s sister are the closest in this palace, if they really ask her for money, the latter may not give it to them. However, in the past five years, Qin Mo’s sister has not taken care of herself less and suddenly came out to borrow money. Even he himself is embarrassed that Yan Mo’s Yan family is the most common family in Qin Wangfu, so it is difficult for him to get such a large sum of money even the whole Yan family.
After all this reasoning, Elo found that she could borrow it with a cheeky face. It seems that there are some girls who are younger than herself.
"borrow money?" Qin Keer obviously didn’t expect Arlo to suddenly remind himself of this pretty face. He was a little confused and asked, "What are you doing borrowing money?"
"Er … I have my own business." Elo touched his nose to hide it. He was full of embarrassment and vaguely said that he naturally wouldn’t say that he was here to practice magic. Although he knew that the girl in front of him wouldn’t have a bad mind, he was always cautious about this secret, but he didn’t want others to know.
"Don’t tell people that it’s not rare!" Although the girl is simple, but her mind is exquisite, how can she not recognize the perfunctory taste in Elo’s words? But she is smart. She didn’t ask too much. She left her rosy and attractive mouth and then took out a dry Kun bag from her clothes and handed it to Elo. "Well, there are 500 gold coins in it, right?"
"Thank you enough!" Ai Luo suddenly took the bag with great joy, but he couldn’t help secretly speaking at once. It’s really worthy that Miss Qin Wangfu really has deep pockets. She racked her brains with hundreds of gold coins, but people just threw them out like playing. I don’t know how many years it has been for him and her mother. Even this dry bag is a rare tool, even at the lowest level, it costs a lot of money. This girl is usually lively and has no shelf in the palace, and her popularity is excellent, which leads Ai Luo to habitually treat her as an ordinary girl like many people. Now she finds out that she is still a little rich woman.
"Don’t worry, I’ll pay you back as soon as I have the money!" Put away the money bag with great joy. Arlo gratefully assured the girl that he was certainly not a freeloader, and even worse, he was a girl’s money.
"Who cares if you return it?" Qin Chloe took a charming white look at Ai Luo, slightly stretching his mouth and muttered a beautiful look at the young face. Suddenly, he snorted with a straight face. "I didn’t say that this money is free for you. Today, you have to accompany me to go out and play for a day, and I will control it. That is your reward."
"No problem!" Elroy was in a good mood and agreed to owe someone such a big favor. Naturally, he could not refuse the girl’s simple request, and he happened to have to buy the magic core.
So I signed a day’s indenture, and Elo became a footman beside the girl. Along the way, many Wangfu people came to greet Qin Kerr, and the girl didn’t care about the identity of the bearer. She responded politely and enthusiastically without showing the slightest arrogance. Elo couldn’t help sighing to herself. It seems that this girl’s popularity in Wangfu is really not high.
While those Wangfu people greet Qin Keer, they occasionally turn their eyes slightly surprised and confused to Elo. Obviously, they don’t know what this looks like, but Qin Keer can come so close. Although the latter has always been extroverted, Lang never thinks himself noble, but after all, not everyone can get close to it casually.
"By the way, Elogo, I heard that you defeated Cheng Hui in Lingji Pavilion the other day, didn’t you?" Line a slightly secluded path Qin Chloe suddenly turned to look at Arlo and asked, with a surprise and curiosity in her big eyes.
Chapter 47 Black jade piece
"You know all this?" Ai Luo smiled faintly and didn’t deny it, but the tone also didn’t show a trace of pride. In his view, defeating Cheng Hui’s kind of stuff was nothing. I didn’t expect an ordinary competition to reach Qin Keer’s ears.
"This matter has long been everywhere in Wangfu. How could I not know?" Qin Keer’s toot-toot mouth immediately looked at Elo and laughed. "You are a little celebrity now. I heard that many people have recently gone to Lingji Pavilion to learn from you."
Ai Luo smell speech slightly delayed, and then some words shook his head. It’s really a group of idle people. It seems that you should be careful when you go to Lingji Pavilion later. He doesn’t have time to play with those guys.
"Although Cheng Hui is quite annoying, he is also the best junior in the Cheng family except his brother Cheng Yun. Elogo, it’s amazing that you can beat him!" Then Qin Keer went on to say that the pace was slow and the tone suddenly became a little weird. Those eyes that looked at Elo’s clear eyes flashed a little eager. "Elo, why don’t we have a try?"
"Ahem!" Elo was also choked by this queer little girl and gave her a grumpily stare. "A girl is not afraid of being laughed at for which door frame she hits … will she go shopping or not?"
"I knew you wouldn’t be a coward!" Be reprimanded by Elo feigning anger, Qin Chloe immediately snorted and frowned, and threw Elo a supercilious look. Then she turned away and stopped looking at his lip angle, but quietly drew a smirk. Obviously, that remark was also a girl’s bad drama.
Elonai seems to have been fooled by this naughty little girl.
Qin Wangfu is still a short way from downtown Yan City. After leaving the house, a pedestrian also took several carriages and headed for the downtown market.
Yancheng market is still as busy as ever, with all kinds of shops and stalls lined with all kinds of people coming in and out from time to time, and the crowds are rushing back and forth among them, and it is quite lively and prosperous that people are everywhere.
If you are cautious, it is not difficult to see that almost all shops and signs on both sides of this street are painted with an eye-catching word "Qin", and all residents in Yancheng will not be unfamiliar with the meaning of this word. This market is one of the sites controlled by Qin Wangfu.
Ai Luo looked at the crowd that was boiling and surging not far away, and he took a deep breath. When calculating, he had not come out for a long time. At ordinary times, he almost lived in the palace to practice, which was boring and depressing. Nowadays, even when he heard these noises, he felt comfortable.
"Hey, Elogo, what are you doing? Let’s go there!" Since leaving the government, Qin Keer has been jumping all the way like a caged bird, looking in all directions a hundred times more excited than Elo. Soon, his big eyes flashed on Elo’s shoulder and he was a little stupidly, and then he ran to a beautiful shop first.
Looking at it, full of lively atmosphere, as if adding a colorful image to the monotonous crowd, Elo smiled and quickly followed.
A charming, lovely, youthful and lively girl suddenly appeared in the crowd, which naturally attracted the attention of many people around her. However, when the eyes touched the girls’ side, those guards wearing special signs were surging with amazing drooling, and the eyes immediately became more awe-inspiring. Immediately, the original impenetrable wall lowered its head, but at the moment it was quite consciously and automatically squeezed out a spacious enough road.
In the girl’s high spirits, a group of people quickly visited several shops, and Qin Keer kept staring at the shops while introducing them to Elo. Although she was not interested in it, Elo did not show impatience. She smiled and listened carefully until about half an hour later, when she found a reason to slip out alone.
All the way along the crowded people came to a piece of Qin Keer, where there was some distance. Elo walked near the roadside and his eyes kept sweeping around. After a few minutes, he finally stopped at a stall near the corner.
The location of the stall is a bit remote, and the surface goods are also a bit messy and difficult to attract people’s attention. There are no other guests around. Compared with other places, it is a bit cold and cheerless. After seeing that someone seems to be interested in his own things at last, the stall owner also came to the spirit and quickly leaned in and smiled cautiously. "What do you want, young master?"
Elo took a casual glance at the vendor, who looks slightly lean, looks like a sharp-tongued monkey face, seems to be a fine man, and his mercenary dress has also revealed his mercenary status.
However, Elo didn’t show any surprise. Because Yan City is adjacent to the Mountain of Warcraft, there are many mercenary teams who come to the city to sell some low-level magic nuclei to earn some extra money. Although the quality may be worse than that in special magic nuclei stores, the price will generally be cheaper.
"I’m just looking" lightly perfunctory sentence: Elo doesn’t have too many geographical meetings. The mercenary then bowed his head and swept back and forth in those miscellaneous goods. It is no wonder that there will be no one here. Most of the stalls are worthless and there is nothing broken. Although he saw a few magic cores, they failed to meet his requirements.
"Huh?" Just as Errol was carefully searching for the second-order magic nucleus, he swept his eyes somewhere. Suddenly, he finally condensed into a piece of black jade and Pian Yu buried in a pile of sundries, which looked very inconspicuous. The surface was extremely rough and the surface was very rough. It was like a stone that had just been dug out of the soil. However, it was such a piece that ordinary people would never pay more attention to it, but it made Errol involuntarily feel a little strange.
"Illusion?" However, that feeling only lasted for a moment and disappeared. Arlo frowned and whispered that his eyes seemed to glance at the mercenary vendor at random and then turned back to the jade piece. On how he observed the black jade piece, it seemed that it was really no different from ordinary stones except for some ugliness.
"Hey, hey, you have a good eye. Buy that jade piece something good." Just when Elo was hesitant, an old smile suddenly sounded in his heart.
Eyes without trace, a little coagulation, Elo’s heart is also finished. Deep in the eyes, there is a faint joy. You can get the affirmation that your eyes are always higher than the top. This humble jade piece seems to be really a treasure.
I turned this idea in my heart. Elo thought for a moment but didn’t immediately pick up the black jade piece. Instead, he turned his eyes away. After a few minutes of searching, Elo only gently held a diamond-shaped red crystal with his fingers and looked at the mercenary stall owner. The tone was flat. "How much is this?"